The cucumber magnolia tree gets its common name from the cucumber-shaped fruits that appear in the fall.Ĭucumber tree is hardy in zones 4 through 8, where they are common in parks and open public spaces. However, the Magnolia acuminata is an exception as it turns an attractive golden yellow before the leaves drop. Magnolias aren’t typically recognized for outstanding fall color. Due to the dense foliage, it isn’t easy to spot the flowers on this tall magnolia. The small flowers grow in a tulip shape and are green or yellow. Unlike other magnolias, the cucumber tree doesn’t produce showy flowers. The magnolia leaves are oblong to oval shape and grow up to 10” (25 cm) long, and feature a smooth margin with pointed tip. (12 – 21 m) tall, and the deciduous foliage grows in a pyramidal shape. The cucumber magnolia grows between 40 and 70 ft. The cucumber tree is a hardy native tree with tulip-like fragrant flowers and shiny green, ovate shaped leaves. Magnolia FlowersĬucumber magnolia (Magnolia acuminata) has pointed tip leaves and yellow-greenish flowers Some of the evergreen magnolia varieties grow in colder climates as deciduous trees. Loebner magnolia ( Magnolia × loebneri).Saucer magnolia ( Magnolia x soulangeana).Scented pearl magnolia ( Magnolia laevifolia).

Sweetbay magnolia ( Magnolia virginiana).Southern magnolia ( Magnolia grandiflora).Here are some popular types of evergreen and deciduous magnolia trees. Deciduous magnolia trees grow better in colder climates and will survive frost. Evergreen magnolias are suited to growing in warm climates where winter temperatures don’t dip below freezing. Magnolia grows well in most climates, depending on the species of tree or shrub.

To care for magnolia plants, water the ground to keep it moist and fertilize every spring. Magnolia trees and shrubs adapt to various soil types and grow well as long as the soil is well-draining.
Most varieties of magnolia thrive in full sun or partial shade. The most popular magnolia types are the Southern Magnolia ( Magnolia grandiflora), Star magnolia ( Magnolia stellata), and Saucer magnolia ( Magnolia × soulangeana). There are eight species of magnolia native to the United States. There are some 125 species of magnolia suitable for growing in most zones.